YFUNI Finance MVP Launch : uVault
We are glad to announce that first MVP of YFUNI Finance called uEarn has launched now Second MVP : uVault Platform
YFUNI Finance has launch staking incentives on Binance Smart Chain, uEarn already launching first liquidity mining incentives for UNICORN Token, YFUNI Token, BSC Starter and GoSwapp on the Binance Smart Chain version of the Pancake Swap.
UNICORN Token Reward
Total Reward/Month : 300,000 UNICORN
- BNB Pool
YFUNI Token Reward
Total Reward/Month : 10 YFUNI
- YFUNI Pool
- BNB Pool
Simple Step, Example:
1. $START/BNB Pool
2. Add liquidity $START+ $BNB
3. Received LP Token Pancakeswap
4. Participate on Pool in our website v1 ; yfuni.finance/uEarn
5. Pick Pool $START/BNB and Choose Period 365 days
6. Earn YFUNI Token
- everyone can claim and unstake after 1 Day Join Pool
All pools will be charged 1% fee when stopping the uVault and withdrawing the reward
The newest and exciting pool calculations are coming soon on uEarn V2
Article uEarn MVP Auditor Partnership
Article uEarn Mining-Pool Partnership
uEarn Audit Report by QuillAudits : https://yfuni.finance/uEarn-audit.pdf
YFUNI Finance
YFUNI is a Yearn Inspired, next-gen suite of products that revolutionizes the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Infrastructure. YFUNI Finance aims to provide new-innovation via yield farming aggregation, lending aggregation, crypto banking investment, all on the Binance Smart Chain. We have designed it to allow users to access the best yields available within the YFUNI Ecosystem and DeFi market.
YFUNI Resource
Website: https://yfuni.finance
Twitter: https://Twitter.com/yfunifinance
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Telegram Announcement: https://t.me/yfuni
Medium: https://yfuni-finance.medium.com/
Github: https://github.com/yfunifinance